Welcome to HackAlphaX!

Changing the world one line at a time.

About Us

Interested in learning more about us? Well, we’re here to:

  • Educate those who need the help.
  • Motivate you to become the best version of yourself.
  • Inspire everyone with groundbreaking ideas you create!

HackAlphaX was founded in 2020 by a group of passionate high school students, frustrated by the lack of hackathons for our age group. We are on a mission to break down age barriers in coding, empowering students all around the world to make a difference in their communities. Join us and watch yourself grow on your coding journey!

Our Hackathon

Wait, aren’t you guys the ones from NextStep Hacks?

Indeed, yes we are! We created NextStep, and it was an instant success! Needless to say, many of us were inspired by the number of people that showed up!

  • 01 What is NextStep Hacks?

    NextStep is an annual hackathon that occurs every year! Students from all over the world from the ages 13 - 21 participate in a global hackathon striving to achieve something for the betterment of society!

  • This years NextStep Hacks is scheduled for the end of summer, during August 2nd - 4th, with public voting and results announced the same day!

  • We had about 500 participants join us last year! We had a bunch of prizes, and a lot of workshops that everyone enjoyed! It ranged anywhere from Intro to JavaScript all the way to building a website!

  • We gave away prizes to a lot of projects last year! We had 3 overall best projects, and winners in many different categories! You can check out some of the past winners Here



What were the winning projects last hackathon?


Music Production Made Easy

 First Place Overall

Photo Cook

Take a picture of the ingredients you have to learn what to cook!

 Second Place Overall


Own your health - powered by Ethereum Blockchain

 Third Place Overall

Virus Tracker

Website that provides recent data about the monkeypox & coronavirus

 Public Favorite

Register for the 2024 Hackathon!

Register Now, and join a community of coders all working to create something for the betterment of your local communities!

NextStep Hacks 2024 will take place from August 2nd - 4th, so sign up now!

Frequently Asked Questions

If your question isn't here,

Contact Us!
  • What is a hackathon?

    You can think of a hackathon in two ways. A timed coding challenge, or a fun weekend-long virtual gathering where teams challenge themselves to learn and build unique and thoughtful applications for the greater good. We here prefer the second definition :)

  • Yes, hacking is illegal! But hackathons aren't places where you hack. In the context of a hackathon, "hacking" is to work with a team and code together an amazing project (website/app/script/bot), not going into computers for unauthorized data!

  • As we said, hackathons are very beginner-friendly. We will have tons of workshops, mentors, and tutorials/references for you to learn from! The main goal of a hackathon is to learn something new and explore your passions, not specifically to win a prize (although prizes are super cool to win).

  • Workshops will all be on our YouTube Channel! All of our ceremonies will also premiere on our YouTube Channel, so keep an eye out!

  • Yes you will! You can find these announcements and reminders in many places: On your Hacker Dashboard, an Announcement on Discord, or an email if you signed up for our mailing list.

  • To submit a web or app project, you will need: 1) A public repository on GitHub with all your code, 2) A presentation video (max 5 minutes) that talks about your project and includes a demo of it working, and 3) A fancy README file (you can use the sample that Devpost provides to get a headstart!). If you are submitting an idea, all you need is the README. Your entire project needs to be submitted on our Devpost before the deadline!

  • First, you should register Here to get access to your hacker dashboard. Then, you should fill out as many of the specialized forms as you want! After that, go on to our Devpost and register there. Make sure to join our Discord too! Finally, find yourself an amazing team (but keep it to yourself - you only need to register as a team when submitting your project!)

Our Team

All of us take care of different things to ensure HackAlphaX and NextStep Hacks runs smoothly!

Aditya Kirubakaran

Executive Director

Hey everyone! I'm helping to make sure every component of this organization and our hackathons run as smooth as possible to give you the best experience! If you see me, don't hesitate to say hi!

Krishnan Shankar

Operations Lead
Technical Lead

Welcome! I mainly take care of operations during the hackathon, to make sure everything runs smoothly. I also manage everything technical, including this website!

Priyam Kabra

Outreach Lead

Hi, super stoked to join everyone! I'm helping spread the word about our annual hackathon events to schools and students across the nation! Looking forward to seeing you all there!

Archisa Arora

Growth Lead

Hey there! I'm working on helping to grow our team and organization to new heights, bringing more exciting events and hackathons to you!

Ashwin Kirubakaran

Sponsorships Lead

Hi, thank you for joining us! I'm excited to be able to take on reaching out to sponsors with HackAlphaX to provide prizes and swag to our hackers!


If you want to ask us any questions, report any issues, or just have a good time, feel free to contact us by email or Discord! You can also use the contact form below to reach out to us. Happy Hacking!

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